Terri Meyer Boake BES BArch MArch LEED AP
Professor :: School of Architecture :: University of Waterloo

Tempio di Vesta or Ercole, Rome

Piazza della Bocca della Verità

Rome, Italy


The Piazza Bocca della Verità occupies the site of the ancient Forum Boarium or cattle market, situated conveniently close to the Tiber, which provided a ready means for the disposal of refuse. From this square there is a view, scarcely to be equaled anywhere else in Rome, which takes in both ancient and Christian buildings: the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, a Romanesque building with a modestly proportioned porch and a graceful campanile; the Arch of Janus and beyond it the handsome church of San Giorgio in Velabro and the Arco degli Argentari, the arch of the merchants and bankers; the church of San Giovanni Decollato ; the Casa dei Crescenzi, the residence of the most powerful family in Rome during the early medieval period; and two ancient temples, the Tempio della Fortuna Virile and the Tempio di Vesta (also known as the Tempio di Ercole), with the Baroque Fountain of the Two Tritons.

Tempio della Fortuna Virile

Fountain of the Two Tritons, Rome

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Updated May 10, 2006