Chaos or Control:
The Politics of a very very Mad World



In the city of Gotham, there is a new political figure in town, but Harvey Dent’s arrival does not affect the gang crimes or the corruption of the police force. The chaotic political world of Gotham creates a sense of uneasiness in the audience and frustration at the incompetence of the politicians to correct the situation. The persons that the population trusts to serve and protect them are working in league with the criminals, the mafia is strong and unchallenged, and seemingly city-run events such as press conferences and parades are easily taken over by the Joker and his goons. This backdrop of chaotic political confusion sets up the world of Batman in an ideal way: we can see that Gotham is in need of a defender of what is good and a protector of the innocent since evidently the politicians are incapable of doing so.


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