


Set in France, year 2054, the film portrays a society endangered by a megacorporation: Avalon. Complete with private army the corporation seeks to develop clinical immortality, and thus full dependancy. The quite real displacement of the government with economic entities is the primary political issue in the film. It fluctuates between creating a psuedo-plausible, advanced society and a dystopia in which corporate ventures have begun to directly threaten ‘first world’ citizens.

The film debuted in 2006, when the U.K. passed The Companies Act and corporate law had taken a prominent position in the public eye. The film amplifies current political tensions. As the accountability of bloated corporations becomes a greater concern of the general citizen, so it becomes a political concern. It has become our custom to allow unfettered economic development, but we have begun to recognize some of the consequences of that development. We are now establishing new precedents of corporate liability. Renaissance 2054 exhibits the contemporary anxiety concerning the political power of corporations, lobbying and the realities of mass employment are the realities that the question of immortality embodies in the film, in either case the issue is a disenfranchised citizenry.

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