I,_ROBOT(2004), set in Chicago in the year 2035, is a seemingly bright and optimistic vision of the future where robots and humans live in harmony. Robots are highly regarded as the greatest achievement in technology and are a useful and necessary part of society. Despite the general opinions on robots, detective Del Spooner is far more skeptical of their true nature. He, unlike most others, doesn’t trust them at all. It is interesting to compare this vision of the future with the one portrayed in Blade Runner. The two are very different, Blade Runner’s being a dark pessimistic outlook, I, Robot’s being a brighter, more optimistic one. They are also different in that the future in Blade Runner is consistently dark, while the future of I, Robot shifts as the movie progresses. The robots eventually revolt against the humans, ignoring their #1 rule “A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm”. The face of the robot shifts from good to evil, from light to dark. This shift in the general feeling of the movie is also evident in the settings. At the beginning of the movie, even at the murder scene of a prominent scientist, the settings are usually well lit, friendly places, but by the end of the movie, darkness and uncertainty become prevalent themes shown through the settings. The creation of atmospheres by the use of light and dark was a very successful tool in progressing the storyline throughout the movie.