Mad Science: Inventor, Filmmaker and Architect

The film character of the inventor, emboldened and driven by a vision of new possibilities has a parallel in his creation in the filmmaker and the figure of the architect of the film. While the audience is predisposed to identify with the protagonist of the story, the director is more closely approximated by the character of the creator. The person whose idea drives the production of a film can have many of the same characteristics, operating at the fringe of society to create an expression of benevolent, malevolent, or ambiguous potential realities that can affect the outlook of many people. As well, their activity as noted by Siegfried Gideon is closely related that of the architect, as they work to express themselves in space and time without the permanence or residue typical to architecture and embodied by those such as Sergei Eisenstein who trained as an architect and Rem Koolhaas who was schooled as a scriptwriter and worked as a film critic who cross disciplines to use the appropriate medium.










The Creator [The Fountainhead, 1949] Conclusions