Arch 443 / how uncanny !
created on 12.21.2007 by Melissa Ng

The Absolute Machine?
            The very concept is difficult to imagine itself as the origins of the machine is simply for the purposes of serving mankind under the complete control of man - yet the idea is surfacing in films such as Metropolis 2001, IRobot, and the Fifth Element.   In these films, it is an omniscient machine which holds significant power or is considered absolute.  The idea of supreme beings presented in these films define a religious dimension as part of the films’ narratives.  A common element of these three films is the futuristic storyline that each one narrates - grounded in the future, each film is about the evolution of the machine into the perfect robot, into the perfect man. 

“ God Created Us in His Image ”

Man has created in his own image.  The common goal of mankind is to create the most evolved and technologically advanced robot possible, striving to construct perfection unconceivable in man.  In the advancement of the robots in these three films, each new generation surpasses the previous in its human-likeness. 

[ Right: Fifth Element - regeneration of the 'perfect' being ]