Decay & Decrepitude in Motion Picture
Encyclopedia of knowledge, Volume 6, Grolier Incorporated Publishers, Danbury, Connecticut
Christopher Sharrett, 'Crisis Cinema - The Apocalyptic Idea in Postmodern Narrative Film', Postmodern Positions Vol.6, Maisonneuve Press, Washington D.C., 1993
Carl Boggs and Tom Pollard, 'A World in Chaos - Social Crisis and the Rise of Postmodern Cinema', Rowan & Littlefield Publishers, Maryland, USA, 2003
E. W. & M. M. Robson, 'The Film Answers Back - An Historical Appreciation of the Cinema', John Lane The Bodley Head Inc., London, reprint 1947
Gerald Mast, 'A Short History of the Movies', 3rd edition, Bobbs-Merrill Educational Publishing, Indianapolis, USA, 1981
David Robinson, 'World Cinema - A Short History', Eyre Methuen Publisher, London, England, 1973
David Parkinson, 'History of Film', Thames and Hudson Publishers, London, England, 1995
Scott Bukatman, 'Blade Runner', British Film Institute Publishers, London, England, 1997
Stuart Y. McDougal, 'Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange', Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2003