Cult :
- a cohesive group of people (often a relatively small and recently founded religious movement) devoted to beliefs or practices that the surrounding culture or society considers to be far outside the mainstream. Its separate status may come about either due to its novel belief system, because of its idiosyncratic practices or because it opposes the interests of the mainstream culture. Other non-religious groups may also display cult-like characteristics.

- "a devoted attachment to a person, principal etc.," and, alternatively, "the object of such attachment."

Cult film(s):
- a colloquial term for a film that has accrued a devoted group of fans . Often, cult movies have failed to achieve fame outside of a small group (however, there are some exceptions.) Sometimes, the group is bound to the film by a shared sense of ridicule for it, rather than artistic merit.

-"movies that elicit fierce devotion from audiences, which can range in size from a few thousand fans up to several million"

- are offbeat, strange, quirky, surreal, eccentric, campy, oddball, avant-garde, often with outrageous characters, plots, and sets, that usually fared poorly at the box office but continue to live on with devoted and curious audiences.


100 Greatest Cult Movies
December 13, 2006

All Movie - Cult Films
December 12, 2006

Wikipedia The free encyclopedia
December 7, 2006

Wikipedia The free encyclopedia
December 7, 2006