In a more contemporary film Renaissance 2054, the directors used both motion capture and computer animation to create a futuristic Paris set in the year 2054.  Actors were captured in front of blue screens while wearing motion capture suits.  These images were translated in computer generated models and superimposed onto computer generated environments.   The movie also depicts a dystopic Paris of the future.   The significance of this film in regards to this argument is that, we have moved beyond a condition where the individual citizen matters.  The dystopia painted by Alphaville in 1965 isn’t too far off from our current reality.

And although both movies depict fantastical dystopias, they raise some concerns about the future advancements of our civilization.  Movies such as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Brazil and A Clockwork Orange depict a direct connection between human subconscious and the environment.   The suggestion of Alphaville’s dystopia when related to contemporary architectural and scientific advancements seems like a satire of our present condition.  Is it really that far off that we will soon become a faceless society that disregards the inner human world when current films, such as Renaissance 2054 are only using humans as capture devices in order to produce a technological piece of art?  

