1. a turning away; estrangement
2. the state of being an outsider or the feeling of being isolated, as from society
3. (Psychiatry) Psychiatry a state in which a person's feelings are inhibited so that eventually both the self and the external world seem unreal
Alienation is a common condition which is explored in a number of films.
An individual can experience alienation in a variety of ways;
alienation from the community, from the city, and even from one’s self.
Alienation can come into being through different means;
as a choice that an individual makes to separate themselves from a
society or circumstance, or as an involuntary outcome of a particular situation.
The theme of manipulated realities is linked to alienation.
In many of the films discussed this semester,
the shifting of realities acts a catalyst for alienation on the part of the individual.Return to Manipulated Realities Homepage : Arch 646