addition to the ontario college of art and design :: fall tour 2003


Ontario College of Art and Design

Alsop Architects with
Robbie/Young + Wright Architects

Toronto, Ontario


Project Information:

The Fall Tour sponsored by the CISC Ontario Regional Chapter took place on December 1, 2003. The highlight of the evening was the tour of the OCAD facility.

The presentations included those by the local Architect Gregory Woods, Partner-in-Charge
Robbie Young + Wright Architects Inc., on the design process (represented by the artist's ultimate rendering of the "Table Top" above, Paul Sandford, of Carruthers & Wallace, on engineering the project, Jeff Murva, of PCL, on the difficulties of constructing on such a tight site in a residential neighbourgood, and by Tommy Colquhoun, of Walters Inc. on fabricating the steel.

The following images were taken that afternoon and evening.

Project Images:

View of the building from Grange Park. The liner panel of the cladding is 50% installed on this, the west side of the building.
Long view of the installation of the liner panel via hanging scaffold on the sixth floor of the building.

Interior of the new lobby entrance.
The round HSS sections are perforated on the curtain wall side to supply warm air to the inside face of the enclosure.

Tour attendees congregate in the main central gallery space that adjoins the new concrete stair/elevator access to the "table top".
View of the near finished underside of the gallery space ceiling.
For fire protection regulations, the steel truss structure will be clad in light steel framing and rated gypsum board. Here we can see the exterior fire protected structure as it intersects with the part of the truss that penetrates the interior space.
Close view of the light steel furring that is beginning to cover the steel structural system.
At this structural intersection point we can see two distinct colours of "red paint". The brighter red is a special epoxy coated rust inhibiting paint that must underlay the intumescent paint coating (special fire retardant paint).
The darker rust coloured paint finish is standard rust inhibiting paint.
View of truss on interior of building.
OWSJs support the steel deck with concrete topping that forms the floors of the table top building.
Underside of specialized cross bracing that is used to stabilze the structural truss system.
Intersection of the structural steel system with a special steel attachment section that has been embedded in each corner of the concrete stair/elevator core.


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Updated May 29, 2006 x

©2006 Steel Structures Education Foundation