Leading to a darker future built upon society’s failure to realize that which is amiss.

The most convincing point of note is the trash problem illustrated briefly in The Fifth Element. The dystopic condition created by a throwaway consumer culture. Images of trash, piled high, in the most unlikely setting of an airport. The chaos which has taken over the city at grade creates uninhabitable spaces and thus, New York city has built up on the problems of yesterday with a reaching verticality that has left these problems on the urban ‘riverbed’. This subtle commentary of the film shows clearly our environment’s inability to maintain its current tendencies, despite all technological advances, and that we must confront an issue which today resides outside of conscious domain for most but might tomorrow reside directly within our populate domain.
These films all contain within them subtle subtext commentary on the massive changes occurring to the world’s biodiversity today. They all show a trend of progression with no responsibility. The future never seems a relevant concept to today, it is always today which takes the prominence of decision making. And thus it is clearly to be seen that the control of our natural world is placed at the mercy of our economy, politics and social objectives. And letting something so fragile as our natural systems fall prey to these kinds of decisions will lead directly to a messy future.

A tash problem, referanced briefly in The Fifth Element, has teken over life at grade.
Would it seem that we are Burning and Scarring this delicate skin of our planet?
The Fifth Element
The extreme verticality of a city that has built upwards away from the problems lying down below
The Fifth Element
The Fifth Element
Global Burning