The scene that best describes this is the when Deckard visit a strip club to investigate a lead on the location of one of the “replicants”. The woman he ends up investigating seems to be just a normal human with personality, but she ends up feeling threaten by Deckard and becomes violent and tries to run away. As a viewer, we still didn’t know for sure if she was a replicant but Deckard has had more experience with “replicants” and he decided to shoot her down. She ended up being a “replicant” after all. This reinforced the viewer’s feeling of unease because this meant that any character could be a “replicant” and we wouldn’t know it. This group of “replicants” can be placed in the “uncanny valley” because they appear human but are off-kilter enough to seem disquieting. Interestingly though a character in this movie has become so realistic that it has not been rejected by humans but apparently loved. This character’s name was Rachel and she was designed with memories and emotions. She became so life-like that even Deckard had a hard time recognizing her artificiality. So she would be placed near the second peak of Masahiro’s graph.

