Renaissance is a fully computer generated animated film that makes complete use of special effects and CGI in delivering its presentation. This is a completely different in comparison to Paris Je T’aime and Equilibrium, which makes use of special effects and CGI as a tool towards enhancing physical cinematography and acting, as it is towards a completely digital film making process.

The film makes use of computer generated imagery for all aspects of the film. It employs a specific high contrast pure black and white style in portraying Paris in the year 2054. Every aspect of the film is modeled and rendered using computer graphics software. The post production process for the film is also very intensive, as music, every single sound effect, and voice acting must be implemented to achieve the desired effect. The lack of capturing any real life footage renders this digital process very different from physical processes of camerawork.

However, despite Renaissance being a fully computer generated film; the process is inevitably tied to the physical aspect of motion capture. To achieve realistic human behaviours and facial expressions, motion capture is an essential tool. Every person is modeled with computer graphics and then the captured motion of physical actors and stuntmen are applied on to the 3D model.

Renaissance is a very experimental and visionary film. Its stylistic approach could only be achieved through computer graphics. The seemingly hand-drawn models harkens the method of cel-shading, however similar, it is pure 3D modeling. Only with the aid of CGI could this very specific vision of the future of Paris be achieved.