ssef architectural and engineering educators
meeting montreal 2004


SSEF Educators Meeting

March 2004

Montreal, Quebec



Project Information:

The SSEF Joint Meeting of the Architectural and Engineering Educators took place in Montreal, Quebec early in March 2004. The first day of activities commenced with an "ice breaking" competition to create a "structure" (images below!). Presentations followed addressing the construction of both the Ecole Nationale de Cirque (images), as well as Tohu, the new permanent circus bigtop on the same site (images). Presentations addressing steel and glazing as well as archtitecturally exposed structural steel (AESS) were of general interest to both audiences. The evening provided a tour of both the Ecole and Tohu, with dinner at the Circus School generously provided by the CISC Quebec Region.

Separate meetings of the Architects and Engineers followed.

Event Images:

Rob Third CISC BC Region, and Mike Gilmor, CISC President, enjoy the ambiance at the Ecole National de Cirque!

The images on this site are copyrighted and as such may not be commercially reproduced without written consent of the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction.

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Updated June 7, 2005

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