Arch 443 / how uncanny !
created on 12.21.2007 by Melissa Ng

            In addition to her abnormal human response, she also is unnaturally strong and intelligent.  She is able to process information at an obscene speed and obtain abilities simply through visual investigation.  Her true physical abilities become evident in her hotel room encounter with the Mangalores.  She is clearly outnumbered, yet she is able to defeat the extraterrestrials with complete ease.  However, although superhuman in strength and ability, her female helplessness (evident when Korben consistently comes to her rescue) depicts a ‘perfect being’ whom is flawed, which in itself seems rather contradictory to her definition.  Leeloo falls into the uncanny valley because she is exceptionally close to being human, yet asserts qualities which are unnatural and supernatural. [Right: Leeloo as 5th Element]

Man’s Creation of the Superbeing in film:  IRobot
            Viki, is seen as the supreme being, though humans are the true creators of the robot race.  This is evident in the robots’ allegiance to Viki.  The newly superior robots, which have been created to be more ‘human’ than its predecessors, no longer respond to serve their originating function as machines to assist humans.  
            Asimov, the author of the original novel of which IRobot was loosely based, investigates the ideas of robotic confusion during more complex situations.  He further elaborates that the solution to this confusion and difficulties formed during crises may be eradicated with the ability to form an underlying logic to evaluate the situation.  This capability has been granted to two robots in the film: Viki, the ‘supreme robot’ and Sonny, who ultimately is not only the savior for the robotic race, but for the human race as well.  Viki’s logic causes her to override the three laws or commandments imposed by humans in order to prevent the self-destruction of the race due to the nature of man.  [Right: Viki, the superior robot machine]