Arch 443 / how uncanny !
created on 12.21.2007 by Melissa Ng

Man’s Creation of the Superbeing in film:  Fifth Element
            The Fifth Element or Leeloo is considered the ‘perfect being’ in the film, representing the element Love.  Her existence in the world as the Fifth Element is to provide the divine light to activate the powers of the other elements, Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, to prevent the destruction of humankind from the Great Evil.
            Like Tima from Metropolis 2001, Leeloo has been born with divine power beyond the capabilities of man.  However, unlike Tima, Leeloo understands this from birth; she is aware of her responsibilities and her great significance in life as the universal savior of the human race.  The Fifth Element has been born in the image of an intelligent, strong, and beautiful female form.  Of the three films, Metropolis 2001, IRobot, and Fifth Element, Leeloo is depicted as the most human-like above the other supreme beings.  Like Tima, she encompasses both physical and emotional attributes of man; however, Leeloo also possesses qualities which make her uncanny.  
            Born with orange hair and dressed in strips of white, she is exuding peculiarity.  Her over reactive actions to basic human experiences is an indication that she is not quite human.  Her response to humans, particularly evident in Korben Dallas, is a fearful reaction.  She is extremely weary of him even though he manages to save her from the authorities and manages to bring her to a safe place.  Trust also does not grow easily for Leeloo; through their escape from their police, she does not express any gratitude.  In its place, she repays Korben holding a gun to his face.  She eventually learns to trust with time.  

[ Right: Leeloo's unnatural fear of humans, Leeloo's jump off a NY skyscraper ]