Maria's Replica


The first example we saw of humanoids used to provoke an uncanny response from the viewer was in Metropolis 1927, where the mad scientist creates a replica of Maria. Maria the savior of the workers is replaced by her clone to start a mutiny against their employer. The uncanniness of this replica is that it is physically identical to Maria but psychologically different. For example, Maria is gentle, kind and sweet but her replica is mean, aggressive and violent. Besides its personality traits its actions are very different as well. According to Masahiro actions are more important than mere appearance in determining the thing in question’s uncanniness and the replica’s actions are much more erratic signaling its difference between it and Maria. The replica’s eyes twitch and shift rapidly, which seems to reflect her personality and is felt by the viewer to be eerie. Referring to Masahiro’s theory, Maria’s replica is uncanny because it appears very human-like but it is just enough off-kilter to seem strange.



Cloning technology