The Burrows Residence, Waterloo, Canada:

Passive Solar Heating and Active Wood Masonry Furnace Heating 
at YMCA Environmental Camp Residence Building by Charles Simon

(Home) (Background) (Hypotheses) (Methodology) (Analysis) (Conclusions) (References).


 The building
                            (View of the Burrows from the south)


Passive and climatic building techniques have been an integral part of building design for many centuries and for many cultures.  In the twentieth century however, building design and technologies have created an “international building style”, characterized by a heavy dependence on non-renewable energy and resources (RMI, 1).  Modern designs typically ignore the link between building and environment, focussing their efforts on the use of mechanical systems in order to provide human comfort.  There are however, an increasing number of architects and designers that are concerned with the appropriateness and sustainability of modern building design and techniques.  It is unfortunate in our culture that many architects are limited to environmental add-on features rather than being able to deal with environmental issues in a systemic fashion.
  Many passive and sustainable building designs that are currently considered innovative are actually common to vernacular architecture.  What makes sustainable building designs innovative is that it recognizes the need for a return to efficient, effective and responsible building style that beneficially affects the environment and occupant.  When John Todd, and the New Alchemy Institute, used modern modeling equipment to discover the most efficient shape for a passive solar green house,  they discovered that the ideal shape was almost identical to the longhouses  built by natives more than two centuries ago in north eastern North America (Todd,  46).  What is important about the modern applications of vernacular principles of passive and climatic design is that the imagination of society is again being forced to seriously consider the link between architecture and the natural environment.
 Principles of passive design have worked in the past and should theoretically work in the future.  The challenge is to adapt these design ideas to function with modern building practices and materials, or to adapt modern building design to adapt to a change in material use.  The effectiveness of passive design is understood by many architects and designers.  However, few tests are ever done in order to evaluate the specific performance of passive and climatic design techniques.  This is our primary concern.  It is for this reason that the building at Paradise Lake was chosen.  It is our intention to study the appropriateness of design for passive and active heating methods used in “the Burrows” earth residence because it provides a good example of integrated passive and active design strategies in the cold temperate region of southern Ontario, Canada.
 Building Background

 The Site
    While walking the winding path that leads to “The Burrows” earth residence, one can occasionally see the form of an unobtrusive building fitted appropriately into the landscape.  “The Burrows” is one of the buildings found at the YMCA Environmental Learning Center at Paradise Lake, located twenty minutes from Kitchener-Waterloo, in southern Ontario.  The residence building was designed to accommodate up to 40 people, usually school children who come for two to three day visits.
 The building consists of eight bedrooms, two bathrooms and a large south facing common room, as well as a room off the foyer used for electrical power generation, via a stationary bicycle (used to raise awareness of the effort needed to create electricity).   The building does not appear to be designed as a ‘showy’ example of environmentally sensitive architecture.  Instead the goals of sustainability are found in the explanation of the building itself.
 At its core, the building preaches environmental responsibility  About 95% of the wood used in the construction of the
Enterance residence was milled on site from used wood. The once old growth timber was salvaged from the deconstruction of a couple of old factories in southern Ontario.  Old concrete formwork was used as sheathing, and the concrete for the project came from a recycled source.
    These are some of  the elements of the project that are not visible. More obvious is the presence of a wind generator and photovoltaic solar panels that supply the building’s electricity.  The residence is completely off the electrical grid.  One reason for this is to make the students more accountable for their energy use.  If they use too much, they lose their lights.  Another more obvious feature of the residence is the use of composting toilets.  The toilets dispel the myth that a composting toilet is simply a disgusting indoor outhouse.  The use of the composting toilets also decreases the cost of  on-site sewage treatment or disruptive infrastructure.  It also prevents the contamination of the natural bog that might occur with the use of a leaching system.

Interior    The heating system of the Burrows is our biggest concern and one of the buildings key features given Ontario’s cold climate.  There are two sources of heat in the residence; the first is passive solar gain through the south oriented windows of the common room and potentially the clerstory windows in the bedrooms, and the large custom built masonry heater also located in the common room (See photo).  The windows are triple glazed with Low-E coatings and an argon fill.  This is a necessary feature for such vast expanses of glass used in passive heating techniques.  The element of design common to both passive and active heating  methods is the heavy use of mass within the building.  The interior walls separating the common room from the bedrooms are made of composite brick, providing thermal storage and transfer.  Within this wall is contained an air to air heat exchanger that functions by natural convection currents.  Concrete is used on all floors (except where the basement is located beneath the main floor) and in the back walls of the bedrooms.  The masonry heater is located in the common room and is situated in front of the south glazing,
presumably to act as a heat sink for solar irradiation.  The Masonry heater was custom built and is the largest one known to exist in this region of Canada.  It requires two firings per day during the winter months, and burns at such high temperatures that harmful emissions are negligible.
(Integrated active and passive heating diagram.  Ref: Charles Simon Arch.)

(Site orientation diagram.  Ref: Charles Simon Arch.)

    The Building itself is situated north of a bog on a slope with southern aspect and is also sunk into the ground and earth bermed.  The residence is also encircled by coniferous trees to the north, west and east.  These site features have been ideally used to increase the passive solar sunspace in front of the glazing in winter months, as well as reducing conductive heat loss due to winter winds.  No insulation has been used between the base of the building and the earth in order to create a year round heat sink that stabilizes building temperatures in the winter when not in use (Heater not fired), and to provide earth cooling in the summer.  One possible deficiency in the buildings strategies to prevent heat loss is the size of the air locks.  The residence is used by large numbers of people, who usually enter and exit at the same time.  It is very likely that, given the small space, both doors would be held open at the same time, causing major potential heat loss.
 The Burrows residence was completed in 1995, and has been used consistently ever since.  The center’s director, Callum McKee, has been very satisfied with the thermal performance of the building.  In the winter, when the masonry heater is not fired, it takes up to five days to cool off to a mean temperature of 4 to 5 degrees C, and takes another five days to regain its normal operating temperature.

(Home) (Background) (Hypotheses) (Methodology) (Analysis) (Conclusions) (References).