Methodology to the Investigation
To test the hypothesis this investigation employed an analysis study approach. This approach involves site visits and environment testing. The purpose is to analyze the performance of the building. Both quantitative and qualitative methods of gathering data were used. These included:
1. Recording the building's thermal performance for a period of one week During the month of March between the 9th and 16th. (Note that this limitation is due to the availability of testing equipment). This was achieved by programming a set of temperature and relative humidity "HOBO" data loggers located inside and outside the building in different indoor spaces.
2. Interviews, which were usually informal in nature where carried out with the Architect and Camp Director Callum McKee. Who were involved in the design and/or supervision of the building.
3. Photography and field notes were employed to support the data collected and played a positive role in documenting the building situation. Both of these instruments were critical since they added to documentation of investigative process.
Limitations of the Investigation
Since this building does not have full time occupants, occupant surveys could
not performed. Also due to the nature of the camp program the building
was in use by different occupants on a daily basis. This factor
made it not possible to shut down the wood firings in order to test the buildings
passive qualities.
Location of testing devices
Temperature Hobo's where placed in varied rooms in order to get a full range of the building heating capacity. HOBO A)farbedroom B) Middle Beddroom C) Main Wall D)Window E) Heater F) Bathroom