The first group of films concentrate specifically on the architectural style of space and its potential modes of habitation.   There is little, if any, comparison to what may be going on in the styles of Earth at the present time.   These films take place almost entirely in space, and each offers a strong position on what style our future in space may take.

i) 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)


In 2001, Stanley Kubrick expresses through the film a style that is very much a response to its position in a gravity-free environment. The circular aspect of much of the architecture is the most obvious and successful technique.   The potential of 360-degree occupation of space becomes a possibility and is thoughtfully translated into the architecture.  

ii) Silent Running (1971)

The style of Silent Running ignores the effects of zero-gravity, instead focusing on strange geometries that one would think are meant to be a contrast to those found on Earth - although this is never illustrated. The style really just creates a space that is odd and different - apparently the thesis for space occupation held by the movie's director. Interesting is the portrayal of the living spaces for the crew - strange lighting, furniture, and a rather comical kitchen that seems to refer to the traditional kitchen with a sink looking out a window. Except in this case the window looks out to the emptiness of space, not the quaintness of a back garden.

iii) Outland (1981)

Outland illustrates a style that is extremely cold, impersonal, and utilitarian.   Almost all surfaces are metal or metal mesh, even those in the private apartments.   However, a human touch is attempted in the apartments by painting them softer colours.   The style of the overall scheme seems closely related to the architecture of offshore oil rigs, but superimposed onto the landscape of the distant planet Io.  

These space-centric films likely take many stylistic cues from the growing space industry at the times they were made - ranging from the 1968 release of 2001 to 1981's Outland.    During this time space exploration ranging from the Apollo missions of the 60's and 70's to numerous Russian advances were taking place.   The style of these architectures obviously had an effect on the films, as all contain an emphasis on technology, gadgetry, and a general lack of "human" comfort.

comparing earth and space
space as pure fantasy