
Paprika -

This movie is interesting in its use of corridors. The more obvious use of corridors can be seen in the police inspectors recurring nightmare, he is trapped in the long hallway, the distance to his goal is too great and he is never able to catch the assailant that he chases, the walls too quickly cave in and the floor becomes liquid.

Another important use of corridors seen in this movie is provided by the buildings of the street as they confine the dream parade which continues on in an endless stream towards a future destination. That destination ends up being the physical reality of the characters. As the line between reality and the surreal is blurred, the main character Shiba is able to stray from the path of the parade to find a more sinister world hidden behind the illusion of the corridor walls.



Corridor - a long hall. An extension of liminal space, this extended liminal space is used to heighten the experience of threshold. The consequence of this in film is a build up of tension. The corridor leads the viewer on a directed path to a destination unknown, but a destination none the less. This allows the viewers to create their own assumptions as to what that final conclusion might be, investing them deeper into their own manipulated realities.
