The Burrows Residence, Waterloo, Canada:

Passive Solar Heating and Active Wood Masonry Furnace Heating 
at YMCA Environmental Camp Residence Building by Charles Simon

(Home) (Background) (Hypotheses) (Methodology) (Analysis) (Conclusions) (References).


The design of the Burrows Residence deliniated few quantitative objectives for performance of the building but rather outlined much more general qualitative goals and priorities.  Because of this emphasis away from quantitative measurements, data collected from the 'HOBO' dataloggers was generally compared against itself.  

Exterior Temperature and Solar Fluctuations Effect on Interior Temperatures

 The week in which the data was collected had a number of different weather conditions with varying impacts on the building's performance.

Figure 8a: Solar Radiation with Air and Deep Soil Temperature - Burrows Residence (80K JPEG)
        (A more detailed chart with a legend is linked to each of the images on this page.)

Figure 8b: Indoor/Outdoor Temperature Comparison - Burrows Residence (60K JPEG)

The Burrow's Residence interior temperature wasn't extremely stable, fluctuating between 16C and 24C with an average over the week of 19.7C.  However, as with an increasing number of environmental buildings, it was likely not a design priority for the residence to maintain an extremely steady indoor air temperature, but simply to keep the building comfortably liveable.

However, heating the building only by passive solar gain and by means of the wood burning masonry furnace, the building maintained an average temperature of 19.7C when the earth temperature averaged 1.1C and the outdoor air temperature averaged -6.1C.

Solar Radiation's Effect on Interior Temperatures

It was revealing to note that the interior temperature varied more with the solar radiation recieved than with the outdoor air temperature.  On March 13 and 14 the interior temperature lowered with overcast skies even though the outdoor temperature was near its highest during the week.  This would seem to suggest that the building is insulated well.

On cloudy days, when the heat in the building is primarily gained from the masonry heater, the interior temperature averaged 18C.

Figure 8c: Main Room Window and Interior Wall Temperature Comparison - Burrows Residence (60K JPEG)

There was a strong correlation between the temperature at the main room window and the temperature at the back wall of the main room.  This suggested that the building effectively transfers the heat from the heat from the solar gain at the glazing to the ambient air temperature near the back wall where there was no direct sunlight.

The window temperature was also never below the temperature at the wall in the centre of the building.  This suggests that the windows are quite efficient and possibly that the thermal massing is fairly effective at releasing heat throughout the colder hours.

Effect of the Wood Furnace on Interior Temperatures

Figure 8d: Main Room and Wood Furnace Surface Temperature Comparison - Burrows Residence (60K JPEG)

It would appear from the collected data that the heater was not fired in the evening of March 10 and in the evening and morning of March 11.  However, during this time the temperature of the main room stayed relatively steady.  This steady temperature is likely due to a combination of large solar gain during these days and the effectiveness of the thermal mass of the heater.

As well, during March 14 and 15 the temperature at the surface of the furnace dropped even though it was still being fired.  With a few hours lag-time, this time of lower heater temperatures also correlated with the period of low solar gain.  This would suggest that the masonry may also be acting as an effective thermal mass which is strongly effected by the amount of solar radiation.  According to employees at the Environmental Centre if the wood furnace isn't fired at all, it takes several days for the building to get down to 3C to 4C where it stablizes.  The indoor temperature usually falls at an average rate of 2C per day.  Likewise, when the furnace is fired again, apart from large solar gains the indoor temperature rises at the same rate.  This would support the suggestion that the building makes effective use of thermal massing.

However, more information should be collected about the regularity of the time and amount of firing the furnace as these may have had a significant impact on the heater surface temperature readings.

Effectiveness of Heat Transfer Throughout the Building

Figure 8e: Interior Rooms Temperature Comparison - Burrows Residence (60K JPEG)
The only quantitative objective of the Burrow's Residence was to keep the farthest bedroom within 2C of the temperature of the main room.  From the collected data this objective was met when there was little solar gain as was the case on March 13, 14, and 15.  However, there was a much larger deferential of around 4C on sunny days.  The average temperature for the week in the bathroom was 14.7C, in the far bedroom was 15.8C, in the middle bedroom was 17.3C, and in the main room in the centre of the building was 19.7C.  During both overcast and sunny days, the most steady temperatures were in the far bedroom and in the bathroom.
 Figure 8f: All Temperature Readings Comparison - Burrows Residence (70K JPEG)
Finally, by comparing all the temperature measurements several observations come to light.  The sunlight enters the bedrooms every morning (especially the farthest and coldest bedroom) warming it up quickly.  All interior temperatures fluctuate with extreme regularity with daily solar gain.

The back rooms (bedrooms and bathroom), laid against the earth berm on the north of the building, are much colder but also have much more stable temperatures.

The building, likely due to the fact that it is well insulated, effectively mediates the indoor temperature despite drastic swings of the heater and outdoor temperature.

(Home) (Background) (Hypotheses) (Methodology) (Analysis) (Conclusions) (References).