The Burrows Residence, Waterloo, Canada:

Passive Solar Heating and Active Wood Masonry Furnace Heating 
at YMCA Environmental Camp Residence Building by Charles Simon

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Burrows residence, a passive solar building in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.


It is hoped that our conducted investigation will assist in an attempt to overcome existing beliefs that passive solar building design in a cold northern climate is not sustainable and its spaces are of limited comfort.  This investigation proved that, throught the combined effort of passive solar techniques, such as thermal massing, south facing glazing, berming of north wall, and coniferous tree plantings to protect the building from the cold northern winds, and the wood-burning furnace all work together to create a comfortable living environment. A further,  more in-depth investigation should be made to provide researchers with adequate information to  further develop this passive solar architecture.  We believe that this technology is viable and with further development can be made affordable to any family.  We also believe that this devolpment of passive solar qualities can reduce the use of any complementary heating systems.

(Home) (Background) (Hypotheses) (Methodology) (Analysis) (Conclusions) (References).