The eye of providence, also known as the ‘all seeing eye’ is commonly shown as an eye surrounded by rays of light or an aura, and is usually enclosed or joined by a triangular form in nature.

This symbol is often interpreted as the eye of God watching over mankind in Divine Providence.  From  its earliest findings in ancient Egypt where it is known as the ‘Eye of Horus’, this form of the ‘eye’ was commonly used  during the Renaissance to represent a powerful being, constantly watching. It was during this time that the form of the triangle was added to represent the holy trinity of Christian belief signifying a divine power.

A divine power is not an uncommon character in films. This divine figure believes themselves to be god-like in nature, watching over its creations, and ultimately guiding the hand of man.

Dr. Eldon Tyrell (Blade Runner) resides in a massive pyramid structure. The architecture is of such a massive scale, it is never shown with any distinguishable surrounding context. It represents a scale that no longer has the ability to relate to human life and symbolizes immense power.

 The Tyrell Corporation is the creator of life, in particular replicant life. Through the creation of replicants, beings that are meant to surpass the imperfections of humans, Tyrell has become a god his own right, residing high above the city, monitoring his creation, overseeing the rest of the city.

Lawrence Robertson (I, Robot) lives in a much brighter future, sitting high above the city of Chicago, in an impressive white glass tower. Shown in context with the rest of the city, one can easily fathom this structure to be that of the tallest in the world. Robertson’s office is located at the apex of this tower, reminiscent of the great seal on the back of the American one dollar bill. Here he has a view of the entire city, residing in divine providence, and can assume control of the lives of the city’s residents. The man behind U.S. Robotics, a creator a life, meant to serve mankind, to act as their aid.

Both Tyrell and Robertson are seen as gods in their universes. Both are creators of life, but more importantly have become the watchful eye. This eye, represented by Tyrell and Robertson, sit upon these impressive structures, ‘constantly moving’, seeking out all of the moves in their domain. They have become the ‘eye of providence’, this feared ominous presence, always present watching, and hopefully protecting.