The Significance of Chopping Limbs off and Seeing Doubles

Kevin | Kevin Yummy...
KevinKevin Yummy...
The uncanny valley can be used as a gauge to measure the empathy an audience has twoards characters in a film. Two scenes are mirrored in the film: Kevin, though just becoming a decapitated lump, witnessed his own consumption by a hungry wolf is similar to the treatment that Kevin inflicted on Lucille as he forced her to watch him eat her hand. Even though both scenes in terms of content are almost identical, they differ in reactions of Lucille and Kevin. Lucille's scene is quite unsettling as one can feel the horror of witnessing your own composition. Kevin's scene however is disturbing but only because the silence of Kevin reveals the perversion within him.The demeanor of Kevin through the whole ordeal was too composed, too quiet for any sane person to understand. Even though he had become a decapitated lump, the audience would not find that horrific in any way but purely ironic. It was his refusal to react in any way to his circumstances that made him extremely errie and disturbing.

You Aren't Completely Crazy
You Aren't Completely Crazy

The duality between Jackie Boy and Dwight is one of typology. As percieved in previous scenes, Jackie Boy and Dwight are opposites because of their antagonisms towards each other. Dwight appears to be a good guy who tries to protect the barmaid from Jackie Boy, an abusive boyfriend. This view is completely disregarded when Dwight starts hallucinating that Jackie Boy, just recently killed, is talking to him with a gun stuck in his head. Dwight's sanity is called into question and his imbalance becomes on par with Jackie Boy's chauvanistic persona. Both are actually loose cannons and slightly crazy. Therefore, the tension between the characters does not arise from conflicting values but two similar people merely disliking one another.