In Brazil, dining is still an event shared between friends and family yet the food they are consuming has lost all physical properties that we know of. Audiences can imagine that the food is possibly being made by a machine in which taste is injected into the same mushy lump depending on what number you order. This could account for the fact that you cannot order from outside the menu. The choices come as they are and no variations are allowed. They order from a lighted menu of pictures of different dishes that represent what food once looked like. This scene in which one of the ladies recently came back from plastic surgery, obviously obsessed with their looks base everything on their physical appearance. Their belief in judging everything by the cover even relying on a picture to tell them what their food taste like. In which the only one who finds it odd is the main character. This depicts a future dominated by technology and materiality to the extreme. In which technology keeps interfering with such everyday enjoyments for the main character such as his toast and coffee in the morning. |