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Aldo Leopold Legacy Center

dot Case Study Metrics

dot Climate Analysis

dot Site Analysis/Site Design

dot Building Massing and Orientation

dot Envelope Design

dot Illumination

dot Fresh Air - Natural and Mechanical Ventilation

dot Heating - Passive Solar and Mechanical Strategies

dot Cooling - Passive and Mechanical Strategies

dot Renewable Energy

dot Embodied Energy

dot Water and Waste

dot Integration Studies

dot Drawings and Images

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Carbon Neutral Case Studies
Aldo Leopold Legacy Center, Baraboo, Wisconsin
Climate Analysis

Climate Analysis:

The analysis of the climate is critical in determining the appropriateness of passive strategies for the design. The psychrometric charts give the range of temperatures for the heating and cooling seasons, as well as identify the "swing months" where neither heating nor cooling may be required.

The wind roses help to determine the locations of operable windows for summer and swing season cooling.

Leopold Climate Analysis
Seasonal Psychrometric Chart and Wind Rose Analysis

Leopold Monthly Diurnal Temperatures

Monthly Diurnal Temperature Chart

Climate Narrative
Source: NOAA Weather Data Files

The climate is typical of the continental interior of North America with a large annual temperature range and with frequent short period temperature changes. The range of extreme temperatures is from about 43 to -40 degrees Celsius (110 to -40 degrees Fahrenheit). Winter temperatures (December-February) average near -7 oC (20 oF) and the summer average (June-August) is around 20 oC (in the upper 60s oF). Daily temperatures average below 0 oC (32 oF) about 120 days and above 4 oC (40 oF) for about 210 days of the year.



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