Carbon Neutral Case Studies |
Global Ecology Center, Stanford, California |
Climate Analysis
Climate Narrative
Source: NOAA Weather Data Files
The daily and annual range in temperature is small. A few frosty mornings occur during the winter but the temperature seldom drops below freezing. Winter temperatures generally rise to the high 50s in the early afternoon. The summer weather is dominated by a cool sea breeze resulting in an average summer wind speed of nearly 15 mph. Winds are light in the early morning but normally reach 20 to 25 mph in the afternoon. A sea fog, arriving over the station during the late evening or night as a low cloud, is another persistent feature of the summer weather. This high fog, occasionally producing drizzle or mist, usually disappears during the late forenoon. Despite the morning overcast, summer days are sunny.
On the average a total of only 14 days during the four months from June through September are classified as cloudy. Daytime temperatures are held down both by the morning low overcast and the afternoon strengthening sea breeze, resulting in daily maximum readings averaging about 70 degrees from May through August. However, during these months occasional hot spells, lasting a few days, are experienced without the usual high fog and sea breeze.
September, when the sea breeze becomes less pronounced, is the warmest month with highs in the 70s. Low temperatures during the summer are in the mid-50s. A strong temperature inversion with its base usually about 1,500 feet persists throughout the summer. Inversions close to the ground are infrequent in summer but rather common in fall and winter. As a consequence of these factors and the continued population and economic growth of the area, atmospheric pollution has become a problem of increasing importance.
Climate Zone: Mixed Marine
HDD = 3,164
CDD = 11
Building design must flow from a response to the Mixed Marine Climate, as well as the domiance of Heating requirements over Cooling.
