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Curriculum Projects Overview

Projects (by professor):

> Bagneid
> Boake
> Chalfoun
> Demers + Potvin
> Elzeyadi
> Guzowski
> Haglund
> Kaiser
> La Roche
dot Peña
Climate & Place: Pre-design analysis informed by the scale and use of building
Architectural Sailing:
Conceptual Design informed by climate and place

Predicting Performance:
Design Development informed by thermal analysis

Building Systems: Design Development informed by
integration of systems for heating, cooling and lighting

Site Produced Energy:
Integration of systems for energy supply

> Rashed-Ali
> Shaviv + Yezioro
> Stannard
> Theis
> Thomson

Projects (by teaching topic):
visit this link to see the projects sorted by the carbon related topic

> Frameworks and Goals
> Site
> Building Form / Integrated Design Overview
> Envelope
> Passive Strategies
> Efficient Mechanical Strategies
> Energy
> Materials
> Water
> Miscellaneous Related Topics
> Integrated Topics

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The Carbon Neutral Design Project:
Carbon Neutral Teaching: Curriculum Materials Development
Robert Peña
University of Washington

Winter 2008 Graduate Studio / Summer 2008 Integrated Design Lab research for the Living Building Investigation

Climate & Place: Pre-design analysis
informed by the scale and use of building

Islandwood Precedent Study

Design Performance Objective

IslandWood Precedent Study

Precedent study of the Islandwood education center
(UW Wetlands Interpretive Center studio).

Student: xxx



Winter 2008 Graduate Studio/ Summer 2008 Integrated Design Lab research for the Living Building Investigation

Climate & Place: Pre-design analysis
informed by the scale and use of building

• Climate Analysis and Visualization
• Climate Priorities
• Architectural Strategies
- location: orientation, juxtaposition, migration
- form: shape, surface-to-volume
- skin: open frame, closed shell, switch-rich, climate accepting, climate rejecting

Design/Performance Objective
To develop an informed hypothesis of the most significant elements of the climate and place influencing building performance and energy use; to collect relevant place and climate specific architectural strategies.

Investigative Strategy

Develop a concise synthesis of architecturally relevant climate data presented in a clear, concise, graphic form; explore precedents, both vernacular and contemporary, of design strategies for climate-responsive architecture in temperate/cool climates (similar to Seattle’s).

Evaluation Process
Present for discussion and critique a graphic analysis of the climate and site; document and present relevant precedents, describing the mechanisms for adaptation to this climate employed in both the building and by the people in terms of location, form and metabolism.
Information about the Project and Studio

• course outline

• project outline

Evaluative Criteria
Range of Applicability in terms of CLIMATE
Range of Applicability in terms of TYPE
Reference Material
Duration of Exercise
Degree of Difficulty / Previous Knowledge Required

IslandWood Precedent Study

IslandWood Precedent Study
Precedent study of the Islandwood education center
(UW Wetlands Interpretive Center siting).

Architectural Strategies

Architectural Strategies Studies

Student Name
Architectural Strategies: location, orientation and form diagrams (UW Wetlands Interpretive Center studio).

Architectural StrategiesArchitectural Strategies Studies
Student Name
Architectural Strategies: location, orientation and form diagrams (UW Wetlands Interpretive Center studio).

Architectural Strategies
Architectural Strategies Studies
Student Name
Architectural Strategies: location, orientation and form diagrams (UW Wetlands Interpretive Center studio).



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