Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel

CISC Guide for Specifying AESS

The CISC Guide for Specifying AESS was created to complement the text based code and specification references.

AESS Matrix (Proposed as base document and part of an Appendix, Spec and Guide)
Appendix I (Proposed for inclusion in CISC Code of Standard Practice)
Sample AESS Specification (Proposed for inclusion in Section 05120 )

These documents may be downloaded though this link.

Much of the material from the CISC Guide for Specifying AESS has been used to create the basis for the html AESS pages in this web site. Many thanks to the CISC AESS Committee for their efforts in creating the documents. The Guide may be viewed within this web page, but it may be easier to read all of the text if you download the document and open it outside of this interface. The file is 3.2MB so download speed will vary as a function of your connection.

Mac users, please download the file as it will not open in the web browser.